WARNING: Contains soy and may be detrimental to infants under 6 months of age.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Autistic Hero
This one's crazy. A somewhat typical "put me in coach" scenario with an extreme not-so-typical outcome. Sure, 20 points at a high school game -- "It's possible", you might say. Try tossing in 'manager', and 'four minutes', and even 'autism'. Now that's a feat. Stories like this can teach life-long lessons for kids anywhere. I really have nothing witty to say about this video. You just have to watch it for yourself...
Just in time for Easter. 17 pounds. 3 feet tall... and his ears alone are as tall as most rabbits are. They should get the parents of this rabbit to consummate some more baby rabbits, just for fun. =) If there were a professional basketball league for rabbits, Herman would have been number 1 draft pick, no doubt!
So I just came back my missionary work in China, after I had helped feed the starving children in Kenya, but not before I had went to rally for peace in Israel, which was immediately after I spent some time researching for a cure for cancer in England... so excuse me for my five month hiatus from this blog!!! (Now please stop the nagging emails you avid readers!) ;)
Back to what i was saying, so I had just travelled the world and the first feeling I get when I'm back home is some retro-active culture shock. So much has happened in the past 5 months that I never thought would happen. Ipods are smaller than a deck of cards?? Free wireless internet for the entire Mountain View, CA?? Ron Artest traded for Peja Stojakovic?? E*TRADE stock broke $23??? A movie about gay men in the country-side, co-starring that pudgy chick from Dawson's Creek, with a one-liner "I wish I knew how to quit youuu!" (which I outrightly laughed at during the previews) dominates the Golden Globes?? A new genre of movie has been created... and spinoffs are already in the works...