WARNING: Contains soy and may be detrimental to infants under 6 months of age.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Protect the boys

I'll bet you ten bucks -- and you may deny it now -- that you do in fact derive pleasure from pain. Proof comes in the form of this video...

Are you kidding me?

Sometimes, you're left wondering... "What the hell were they waiting for?"
(Excerpt from April 14, 2005 - cnn.com)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- More than 10,000 fugitives from justice have been captured in a nationwide, weeklong dragnet involving federal, state and local authorities, said the U.S. Marshals Service, which led the effort.

Operation FALCON lasted from April 4 - 10 and marks the largest number of arrests ever recorded during a single operation.

Of priority: suspects wanted in homicides, sexual assaults, gang-related crimes, kidnappings, major drug offenses, and crimes against children and the elderly.

I can imagine the feds in a conversation last month...

Cop #2: "Hey, maybe we should arrest that child molester/murderer down the street. He has 100 violations..."
Cop #1: "Nah, we gotta look good in two weeks and satisfy the FALCON quota. So we should let him run free for now."
Cop #2: "You're a genius. No wonder why you're Cop #1 and I'm still Cop #2"
Cop #1: "I know."

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Selling out? Perhaps...

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one person to dissolve the blogging bands which have connected them with another (a.k.a. livejournal.com), and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation... and join another bond called blogger.com.

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Ok, so here I am at a new site once again. Maybe it's because I lack a sense of self-identity that I keep trying to redefine myself by jumping on yet another template-driven, bandwagon of a blog site. Or maybe it's because I'm trying to rekindle the blogging flame inside me by trying something new so that I may once again enjoy mashing a bunch of words together and make some sort of sense that will enlighten my readers (all two or three of you). Or maybe it's because I am somehow attached at the hip of a gentleman named Patrick Li and our lives have inevitably become intertwined (school, work, hair-stylist, now blog website) over the last eight years of our kinship. Or maybe it's because I'm subconsciously a google fan, and everything in life is revolved around google and its subsidaries (ain't that the truth these days!). It's probably the former of the four. *sigh* I'm a loser. hahah

Welcome to my blog!

Friday, April 01, 2005

First post!!

Yah, boooy... First post bitch!